15 Buddhist Magic, Spells 3 The Garuda Cycle, by Sam Van Schaik

15 Buddhist Magic, Spells 3 The Garuda Cycle, by Sam Van Schaik

This series consists of the Intro., final chapter (A Tibetan Book of Spells), and Afterward of the book Buddhist Magic (2020), by Sam Van Schaik, published by Shambhala and available from Shambhala.com and Amazon.com.

Buddhist Magic at Shambhala.com

Buddhist Magic at Amazon.com

Show notes at PointingTexts.org

My other podcast at Immediatism.com

Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com

Views: 2535

14 Buddhist Magic, Spells 2 The Bhrkuti Cycle, by Sam Van Schaik

14 Buddhist Magic, Spells 2 The Bhrkuti Cycle, by Sam Van Schaik

This series consists of the Intro., final chapter (A Tibetan Book of Spells), and Afterward of the book Buddhist Magic (2020), by Sam Van Schaik, published by Shambhala and available from Shambhala.com and Amazon.com.

Buddhist Magic at Shambhala.com

Buddhist Magic at Amazon.com

Show notes at PointingTexts.org

My other podcast at Immediatism.com

Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com

Views: 3321

13 Buddhist Magic, Spells 1 Healing Mind & Body, by Sam Van Schaik

13 Buddhist Magic, Spells 1 Healing Mind & Body, by Sam Van Schaik

This series consists of the Intro., final chapter (A Tibetan Book of Spells), and Afterward of the book Buddhist Magic (2020), by Sam Van Schaik, published by Shambhala and available from Shambhala.com and Amazon.com.

Buddhist Magic at Shambhala.com

Buddhist Magic at Amazon.com

Show notes at PointingTexts.org

My other podcast at Immediatism.com

Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com

Views: 2623

12 Buddhist Magic: Divination, Healing, & Enchantment Through the Ages (Intro.), by Sam Van Schaik

12 Buddhist Magic: Divination, Healing, & Enchantment Through the Ages (Intro.), by Sam Van Schaik

This series consists of the Intro., final chapter, and Afterward of the book Buddhist Magic (2020), by Sam Van Schaik, published by Shambhala and available from a variety of sources including Shambhala.com and Amazon.com.

Buddhist Magic at Shambhala.com

Buddhist Magic at Amazon.com

Show notes at PointingTexts.org

My other podcast at Immediatism.com

Feedback and requests to Cory@Immediatism.com

Views: 2968

1 Magic & Trance Technology, by Dennis R. Wier

1 Magic & Trance Technology, by Dennis R. Wier

Describes a new model for trance and practical techniques to analyse and design trances. Introduces my intentions for this podcast series. Welcome!

Reading is from Trance: From magic to technology by Dennis R. Wier, Trans Media, Inc. ISBN 1888428384

Trance: From magic to technology on Amazon

Show notes at PointingTexts.org

My other podcast at Immediatism.com

Email Cory@Immediatism.com

Views: 825